Lausitz citizen about LAB - The so important topic BUILDING could be rethought in Lausitz. But before it gets that far, we wanted to know from the Lausitz citizens [...]
Lausitz citizen about LAB - What do the people of Lusatia actually think about a construction research centre in Lusatia? We asked and got answers :-) [...]
Strucutural Analysis - With LAB, we are creating the center for the urgently needed New Construction. It will represent the complete chain of innovation: from research to joint [...]
Resource efficiency - The focus of research must be on resource-saving and low-waste construction. Peter Mark - Expert for solid construction and structural engineering [...]
Infrastructure - We must create ideal research conditions and the necessary infrastructure for the next generation - for a diverse, young, different scientific community. This will enable them [...]
Challenges - Most environmental, social and economic challenges have their origin in the fact that we have not thought through decisions in the past or avoided [...]
Two birds with one stone - With the LAB, we kill two birds with one stone: We research the climate-friendly, resource-saving construction of the future and create new [...]
roof over your head - With more than 25% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the construction industry contributes significantly to climate change. So that we can also [...]
Sustainability - We need a new technology that lets the forest grow as it grows and the insight that sustainability cannot be carved from solid. Peer Haller - [...]
Our idea architect - Today we present the first member of the "Lausitz Art of Building" team and at the same time the #idea generator of [...]
Nanotechnology - Building has to change and new materials play an essential role in this. Nanotechnology can contribute to making the buildings of the future more efficient and [...]
structural dynamics - Directly from the #construction site we present another member of the #lablausitz team. Jan Wörner has fundamentally dealt with numerous topics of civil [...]